If you can't see that the government is giving all the powers to control you in the hands of corporations, then you're watching the Main Stream Media news outlets.
This website has thousands of links to news stories they refuse to show on the main stream media that prove that you are being lied to, and that information is being withheld from you.
It's time for you to stop being afraid to learn the truth about the reality of tyranny that is taking place all around you.
Please do not watch the main stream media news like CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC.
They all are owned by the same elite corporations and they have an agenda to keep the masses stupid, uninformed and in line.
Here are a few great sources to get you started on your quest for the truth.
Are you a little overwhelmed by all this deceit and treachery going on?
Maybe Max Igan can help you out with that a bit.
Surviving The Matrix.
Right Wing Watch
Is a project for People For the American Way, is run by a dedicated staff driven to shed light on the activities of right-wing political organizations. As a non-profit working hard every day to expose the Far-Right's extreme and intolerant agenda.
Media Matters for America
Is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.-
Universal Declaration of Human rights Article 19.
I follow no one God. My beliefs are like everybody else, just guesses. Nobody knows the real maker, no one, anyone who claims to is only fooling themselves and trying to fool others with their guesses. I will not live my life by anyone's religious beliefs, or guesses, no one should.
Until all of the people who are on the 99% side get together against the 1% side, nothing will change.
I'm neither a Liberal, Conservative, New Democrat, Green party member or supporter. I believe in a system where everyone follows the same rules, where no one or no organized group is above any other entity.
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